Well, I arrived in Frisco, Colorado a day before my buds from the east coast. Of course sitting around today was not an option, so by 10 o'clock this morning I purchased a lift ticket and was headed up the mountain for another day of snowboarding. I've never really been into snowboarding. Today actually marks the third time I've ever been snowboarding, but I must admit the better I get the more fun it becomes. The drive over from Utah was beautiful. I stopped in and visited with an artist from the Navajo tribe who specializes in horse hair pottery. The process has been around for centuries, and although I don't exactly understand it, there is a very interesting way of weaving in horse hair for added detail and texture to the pots when they are fired. The result is beautiful pottery, and it can be purchased for wonderful prices on the side of the interstate somewhere in the middle of Utah. Don't ask me how to get there though, because honestly I didn't even know what state I was in when I stopped. After taking a breather at the Colorado River State Park I decided to finish the 7 hour drive on Monday. There was a woman on the side of the road trying to hitch a ride to LA. For a second it crossed my mind to pick her up and head back, but instead I just wished her luck and told her I was headed east. Colorado is very nice to drive through. The winding mountainous roads take you up in elevation steadily. In Frisco we're hanging out at about 9700 ft. Many of Colorado's' ski resorts peak at over 13,000 ft. This is what I call a tummy teaser, because going up to that altitude is sure to make you at least a little nauseous. This morning I lost last nights dinner on the dash of my volvo when I hit 11,000 ft. I'm just kidding, but there have been moments where I thought it was coming. Back in the hotel here in Frisco, and looks like I better take this extra time to study some Spanish. It'd be good to know a little of that before I wake up in May and find myself living in Masaya.