Perhaps I am not the most qualified to comment on the beauty held in the hands of Yosemite National Park. Ansel Adams once said, "Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space." My thoughts were that even Ansel Adams who spent a lifetime capturing the most magical moments this park has ever offerred to a camera, would have probably agreed that no words or images could ever fully capture it's majesty. Driving into the park is a step up a spiritual ladder that no doubt leaves you feeling closer to GOD than you were before you crossed into this mountain range of glory. The fir trees at the base of the mountains congregate around reflecting pools of water. This time of year as the snow packed peaks begin to thaw out there are hundreds of water falls that flow endless from the blue sky's above. One could spend a lifetime in this park and never see the same thing twice. Boulders as big as suburban dream homes fall to their death from thousands of feet forever changing the image of a mountian that was there before the water reflecting it's beauty. Men will come and go, and their hearts will change like the earth beneath their feet, but Yosemite will testify that I did, for at least one day, truly breathe the air of the spirit.